As i am still animating (hope to finish in...9days) there wont be much posting going on as its essential to me to just knuckle down and wack out the last minute or so of my film so i can concentrate then on getting the editing bang on to really make the film come together.
Just to initiate the work i'm doing...weekdays all day, im in uni with my set animating.
Weekends, getting pissed...haha, weekends i try and do editing and, well, re-mending DOUGIE, he keeps hacing minor hick-ups which takes hours to resolve, i.e his hands breaking, therefore new hands have to be made, and his joints come too lose, ie have to keep re-glueing them ball and socket joints with thread-lock which is annoying, so...yeh.
Will post up once i've finished animating (or unless somet interestin' happens)with updates on how the look of the film is coming together...
Over and out