Also this week, i've made these two lids to avert your eyes from seeing the big 'hole' which'll be revealed at the end.
I used the original lid as a template, the jig-saw puzzeled the bastards and bobs your uncle. Simple....cough, i think not. I also had to plaster the surfaces again to get the same effect as before, then i have painted them both, so they look like nothing has changed, which is pleasing. Ah before i forget, the lids-1. smaller cut out for the smaller hole, and 2.-longer, trench cut out for when the hole gets bigger and turns into a trench.
Also, i forgot to mention in the last post about what i've used to fill the hole in and create the effect. After takin advice off many a'folk, i decided TIM ALLEN's idea of using EXPANDING FOAM was best to fill up the walls of the hole as well, you can easily paint over it, scrape it off if necessary and easy to add plastercene over it.